Update on our progress during the last week

So, have we bin sitting on the net just playing around and hopeing everything will work out in the end?
No, though there have bin times were we wished we could take a break from this part of the programming but it is too important.

So what have we done then?
We have created a new 3D engine to run beside our original engine so that we don't loose the work we allready done, when we finnished with that we started building a whole new terraincode that will make our engine run faster.
We have also checked trough what types of optimizations that would be best for our game, so we started to look at Quadtree, but we realized that this was not our cup of te, then we whent on looking at Octtree and that looked more promising.
When we read trough all collections of formulas and looked on how others have implemented this type of optimization we got a tip.
 ROAM or Realtime CameraDependent Optimally Adapting Mesh, and this we thank a person that we can call "Charles".
We have put up a deadline until next monday to get this code working, and were doing our best to not break it.
Mvh WoT GM


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