World of terror goes nameless!

Well if you are a gamer you will probebley already know that it is another game out in the latest time that actualy uses the same short as us for there game, and as they are further along and backed up by strong companys I don't think we stand a chanse saying we had the name first.
So as this is a community driven game we thought we should throw the question out there, what should we name this game now?


Were now developing using TDD!

This is one of few posts that we will make that does not aim to the players of the game but to persons that are intessted in spending there free time developing the game.
But we will explain a bit further about the process in this post as some newer programmers might not have caught up on this subject yet.
TDD is a short for (Test Driven Development) and has bin, and still is a way that many developing companys have choosen to go with when developing applications or refining there old ones.
So why have they done that you ask? Well its pretty simple if you ever played around with it your self, because it makes the development time shorter and includes both debugging and optimization of the code!
That witch makes this method of developing so good is the RED/GREEN system that is explained in many places out on the net (google it kids) and is also illustrated in the program NUnit that is a free developing tool for those how use TDD in development.
The basics of the method is that as long as you ether get a error through (JIT) for example (red X) or a red line in the NUnit program your free to change the code around as you please but just do what is necessary for it to pass that include hardcoded statements.
As long as it's red at any point you may continue altering the code, but if you get a clean debug and no red lines in NUnit you may no longer alter the code!
Unless your altering the test project of NUnit and for example starts throwing in dynamic input into a hardcoded method for example, but then again you will get a red line in NUnit. 


We seem to be doing a good job

As said in the headline of this post, it seems we are doing the right thing with our blogg as no one of you still have pointed out something else they what us to share with you.
As said before we want both negative and positive criticism about the blogg, also any tip you have would be much appreciated such as what you want more of or any additional information that you miss.
And we are still serching for C# developers, its also good if you got experience in XNA but its no demand.
And the tasks that I need help with is still AI pathfinding and a maploader, and its still if you feel that you can spare some of your free time for this game without pay as we dont have any economy to hire someone at the momment.



We would love some feedback from our future players, what is it you would whant to read/see on this blogg?
Do you what more screenshots from the development of the game or mabey videos on youtube where we show you the game progression from time to time?
Mabey some of you are developers your selfs and whant the page to have som tutorials on programming in C# or HLSL?
We would love any kind of suggestions, how ever it must be in some way connected to the game, we will not start doing game reviews or such as this has nothing with our game to do.


Still searching

We still are searching for AI pathfinding and maploader programmers with some spare time, we are just updating the blogg a bit as we now actually have a working LOD optimized terrain in the game, and that we now also have taken intresst in showing off our selfs.
To do this we will start putting out more frequent info about what were doing, we are also using services that will help this blogg get some more attention, however the best for us is if YOU, our future player sees an intresst in this game and share it with your friends or even on your own bloggs by for example putting a link to us up.
If we get any comments about not knowing how to do this or that it would look ugly and we need a banner to be suitable for your blogg page, we can ofcause fix this.

WoT expands

We are now looking for people with knowlage in C# and XNA and that have some spare time to share with us.
We have no demands on any previous proffessional exprerience working with anyone of these techniques, or any specified timeframe you worked with it before going on to this project.
The important thing for the people working on this project is that they think it's fun and want to learn more.
As this project is ain't sponsored in any way we can't pay you for your time, but we can refer to your webpage and the likes, on this blog or our upcomming webbpage.
Your name will also be mentioned ingame behind the project you bin actively working on.
Would the game start paying for it self and we would be in need of hiering the people that have done the "volentary" work will ofcause be the first asked to come work for us.
If the game is successful there will be alot of developing even after the game releses, because the basic idéa of this game is to be continueing to develop and grow constantly, and also develop in the path of the community, the players will be the deciding factor for much of the later work on this game.
Best Regards

Work before play

We haven't had the time to do much work on the game because of things that needed to be done.
The project leader had to go away for some time to make a homepage for a company and because of the lack of leadership the game could not continue it's process.
However now were all back "working" our asses of trying to finish as much as we can before something else gets in the way.

Regards/ WoTGM's

Behaving as swine's

Were woking our hardest on getting together a world for the video comming up here.
Now your problebly wondering why it's so important for us to get up a video on the page.
Well what we hope is that it will bring more publicity to the game, and then we can't settle with something that were not 100% happy with.
For the moment that involves making the world a bit swiney.
We will return with more news about this in the near future, while you wait you might whan't to watch the European Song Contest^^
Regards/ WoTGM

A little update about nothing

We are glad to inform you that we did survive newyear eaven if were bin working in the dark for a while now.
The only thing we have to tell you all about is that we hopefully will get a video of the game up here before icehockey world championship is over.

/Regards WoT GM

And here they are!

Yes now we have finally got some screens of the game up on our page!
And we can also tell you that the WoT project is now splitted up in to two parts, the terrain is ready and can be placed in our game right now.
But we are still working on it for our new second program which will be our terrain editor.
This will make the creation of the world much easyer and faster then it's bin before, and this is great for us as we need to make our deadline.
Regards WoT GM

Where were we?

We have not written annyting about our progress with the project for a while.
Why, you ask?
Well this project is dependent on the private time we have, and also our finacial possibillitys.
So we have not been able to write anything new because our time
Så vi har inte kunnat skriva nått nytt då vi fått lägga det på hyllan tills det fanns tid.
Men vi är tillbaks, dock kommer vi gå lite på tomgång fram till mars nästa år.
Vi har fortfarande kvar vår deadline vid jul i år och vi ska göra allt för att inte spräcka den.
Nån gång under denna veckan kommer vi också att lägga upp en screenshot kategori på sidan, just bara för att ni inte bara ska behöva läsa texter utan se lite var nånstans vi är.
Och där kommer också era screens ni vill ha publicerade att läggas i framtiden.
mvh WoT GM
We have not written annyting about our progress with the project for a while.
Why, you ask?
Well this project is dependent on the private time we have, and also our finacial possibillitys.
So we have not been able to write anything new because our personal schedule has bin so busy that we have had little time over to the project.
But now were back, though we will be running on low until about Mars next year.
We still will do everything in our power to get a demo out by chirstmas this year and there for not passing the deadline we set up.
Sometime during this week we will also create a new catagory on this blog, screenshot.
Right now it will just be some eavesdrop on what we are doing, hopefully a bit more exciting then just reading about it.
This category will also be where we will put up any sceens you users whan't  published.
Regards WoT GM

So do we now got a optimzed terrain?

The awnser to the title of this post is sadly no.
And why is that you say?
Its because that we did not plan that the weather in sweden would be so hot as it was, and this was what made our deadline inpossible to keep.
We had our office fans running on maximum but not even that keept us from having to wipe the sweat of our forehead.
But we can tell you that we have done progress and that its come a long way, its just not finnished to display yet.
We have also under the past week put togehter a test mesh, this mesh we will use to test our animation code for the animated characters in our game.

Regards WoT GM

Update on our progress during the last week

So, have we bin sitting on the net just playing around and hopeing everything will work out in the end?
No, though there have bin times were we wished we could take a break from this part of the programming but it is too important.

So what have we done then?
We have created a new 3D engine to run beside our original engine so that we don't loose the work we allready done, when we finnished with that we started building a whole new terraincode that will make our engine run faster.
We have also checked trough what types of optimizations that would be best for our game, so we started to look at Quadtree, but we realized that this was not our cup of te, then we whent on looking at Octtree and that looked more promising.
When we read trough all collections of formulas and looked on how others have implemented this type of optimization we got a tip.
 ROAM or Realtime CameraDependent Optimally Adapting Mesh, and this we thank a person that we can call "Charles".
We have put up a deadline until next monday to get this code working, and were doing our best to not break it.
Mvh WoT GM

WoT Graphical User Interface

As planed we have finnished the GUI (short for the title of this post).
We are not totaly done with it but we can't work more with it until other parts gets ready.

To get to the point where we can take up finnishing of the GUI to 100% we started out with making the game enviroment lighter by implementing a Octtree, this will make the game lighter to run and also give the game a usefull function (not going in to annymore detail on that).

When were ready with making this thing we call the octtree we will start building the first NPCs for the game, this means both the 3D models and the programming behind them.

This is what we have for you at this time, we will soon be back with more details how the octtree process is going.

Regards WoT GM

World of terror more internationall approach

This blogg is made to tell the public about how our project game is comming along.
But then we realized that we can't write the progress in Swedish as also people from other countrys might be instessted.
So from this day forward this blogg will be in English, how ever, there will be a Swedish section on the blogg for those how have problem with reading the English contributions.

We can tell you all that the game is moving forward, we are currently working on the GUI (grapical user interface) of the game and its comming along verry well, we expect it to be finished before the week ends.

Why does this page look like a mess?
Well we are working on getting it fixed up but we feel that using flashy 3D programs and making almost photorealistic pictures for the page would be to fool our players. So unitl we can get a screenshot from the real game to use as background this page will not get much makeover, we will how ever do something to make it more accurate to the games time frame when we get some time to spare.

Best regards WoT GM

WoT Version 2.0

World of terror version 2.0 have just started to get assembled, and here were going to tell you about what we are doing at the momment, but also whats comming in the new version.

Known bugs in V1.0
AI all walk in the same direction at startup
Cleared in version 2.0
Camera can't move around character
Cleared in version 2.0
The game can feel a bit jerky
Cleared in version 2.0

Tools for 2.0
Game editor Completed

New things in V2.0
Fully functioning GUI with both mouse and keyboard
Larger part done
Targeting, mark AI you whant to interact with, or choose a position in the world to move your character to.
In progress
ROAM implementation Larger part done
Animated characters
AI level 2
9 times bigger map (world)
2D + 3D vegetation queued
Enviroment meshes queued
Save file for chars etc.
In progress

Välkommen till World of terrors projekt blogg

Som hemsida är lite för seriöst för vårt spel än så länge.
Så vi tänkte bygga upp en projekt blogg under Alpha pre-Alpha stadiet.
Här kommer vi att redovisa för vad som kommer att ske i kommande versioner, och även visa er lite vad vi håller på att förbättra.
Där kommer också ha en "Buggar" del där vi kommer att skriva upp alla buggar vi och ni hittar och sedan stryka dem en efter en som vi blir färdiga med dem.
Vi ska också skapa nån typ av screenshot sida där vi lägger upp lite bilder av spelet i dess utveckling, om ni själva kanske hittar nått snyggt screen så kan vi alltid posta det också med lite cred förstås.

mvh\ WoT developers (GM)

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