Where were we?

We have not written annyting about our progress with the project for a while.
Why, you ask?
Well this project is dependent on the private time we have, and also our finacial possibillitys.
So we have not been able to write anything new because our time
Så vi har inte kunnat skriva nått nytt då vi fått lägga det på hyllan tills det fanns tid.
Men vi är tillbaks, dock kommer vi gå lite på tomgång fram till mars nästa år.
Vi har fortfarande kvar vår deadline vid jul i år och vi ska göra allt för att inte spräcka den.
Nån gång under denna veckan kommer vi också att lägga upp en screenshot kategori på sidan, just bara för att ni inte bara ska behöva läsa texter utan se lite var nånstans vi är.
Och där kommer också era screens ni vill ha publicerade att läggas i framtiden.
mvh WoT GM
We have not written annyting about our progress with the project for a while.
Why, you ask?
Well this project is dependent on the private time we have, and also our finacial possibillitys.
So we have not been able to write anything new because our personal schedule has bin so busy that we have had little time over to the project.
But now were back, though we will be running on low until about Mars next year.
We still will do everything in our power to get a demo out by chirstmas this year and there for not passing the deadline we set up.
Sometime during this week we will also create a new catagory on this blog, screenshot.
Right now it will just be some eavesdrop on what we are doing, hopefully a bit more exciting then just reading about it.
This category will also be where we will put up any sceens you users whan't  published.
Regards WoT GM


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